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What's a Tag?
To help you manage your metrics, hosts, and containers, and to help you create more useful dashboards, you can assign metadata to each host/server/container in the form of tags.
Tags let you to organize your SPM hosts/servers/containers in different ways – for example by role, owner, or environment. Each tag consists of a key and a value, separated by the ':' character. We recommend that you devise a set of tag keys that meet your needs for each host and to keep the tag set small and clean. Using a consistent and not overly broad set of tag keys makes it easier for you make the most of SPM and avoid chaos. Tags will help you create Alerts for hosts/servers/containers under certain tags or add dashboard widgets based on tags you have defined.
AWS Tags Support
SPM client has the ability to:
Documentation moved to http://
Excluding Specific Tags
To exclude tags and thus not send them to SPM just edit the monitor configuration file - /opt/spm/spm-monitor/conf/spm-monitor-config-${token}-${jvm}.properties:
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# uncomment and add tags which should be excluded
# SPM_SUPPRESS_TAGS=project:baz, node:qux |
AWS tag collection is enabled by default. To disable AWS tags collection adjust the following in the /opt/spm/spm-monitor/conf/spm-monitor-config-${token}-${jvm}.properties file:
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# use true|false if you want/don't want to send AWS tags to SPM
Adding Tags
To add tags edit the monitor configuration file - /opt/spm/spm-monitor/conf/spm-monitor-config-${token}-${jvm}.properties:
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# uncomment and specify tags you want to send to SPM
# SPM_MONITOR_TAGS="env:local, project:projectName, role:slave" |
Adding Tags in SPM for Docker
Tags are provided by the environment variable SPM_MONITOR_TAGS for example:
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docker run -e SPM_MONITOR_TAGS="env:dev, project:projectName, role:webfrontend" ... sematext/sematext-agent-docker |
Adding Tags in SPM for Node.js
Tags could be configured in the config file "./.spmagentrc" or /etc/spmagentrc
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SPM_MONITOR_TAGS = env:dev, project:projectName, role:webfrontend |
or by the environment variable SPM_MONITOR_TAGS, e.g. on Linux: