SPM can visualize the network topology of a system monitored by SPM. It can discover hosts and collect information about communication between them, such as the amount of received/transmitted data on each port. In order to build this NetMap the Network Monitoring Agent needs to be started on each host in the system. This can be done using the spm-client-setup-conf.sh script:
Code Block | ||
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sudo bash /opt/spm/bin/spm-client-setup-conf.sh {token} network standalone network |
Then you can tweak monitor properties:
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sudo vim /opt/spm/spm-monitor/conf/spm-monitor-network-config-{token}-default.properties |
The following properties can be changed:
SPM_MONITOR_USER (default value: "root") - the user that will be used to start Network Monitor. It requires packet sniffing capabilities.
NETWORK_INTERFACES (default value: "eth0, eth1") - the list of network interfaces that will be used for packets capture
ENABLE_TRAFFIC_MONITORING (default value: "true") - whether to capture each packet. This can be turned off ("false") if you experience high CPU usage due to high traffic rate. When set to "false" no rx/tx information will be displayed on NetMap, but the map will still show all discovered nodes and connections between them.
To disable network monitor add the following property:
language | bash |
Documentation moved to https://sematext.com/docs/monitoring/network-map/