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Table of Contents


Code Block
<Plugin csv>
  DataDir /opt/spm/collectd/logs
  StoreRates true

 If you are already using Collectd and if the DataDir is already pointed to some other directory, simply symlink the /spm/collectd/logs directory to the directory specified in DataDir, like this:

Code Block
sudo mkdir -p /opt/spm/collectd  # if needed
sudo ln -s /some/existing/collectd/data/dir /opt/spm/collectd/logs
You will also have to merge the remaining part of the Collectd config required by SPM.

Is there an Ansible Playbook for the SPM client

A: Yes, see the Install and Configure playbooks, with examples.

Is there a Puppet Module for the SPM client

A: Yes, see the Install and Configure module, with examples.

Is there a Chef Recipe for the SPM client


 remaining part of the Collectd config required by SPM.

Can hostnames in SPM UI be obfuscated or customized



Note: When doing SPM client update on systems where SPM client was moved to different directory using "2) Full move script", you will first have to move SPM back to original /opt/spm directory:

Code Block
sudo bash /opt/spm/bin/ /mnt/some_other_dir/spm /opt/spm

and then proceed with regular update. After update is done, you can again move SPM client to location which suits you.

Is there an HTTP API I could use

A: Yes, see SPM API Reference.

I have multiple SPM applications installed on my machine, can I uninstall just one of them

A: Yes, you can use the following command for that (it accepts only one parameter, token of SPM application you want to uninstall):

Code Block
sudo bash /opt/spm/bin/ 11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111

How can I share my apps with other users

A: There are two options: Account Sharing or App Sharing. With Account Sharing, you invite others to your whole account, so they get access to all your applications, dashboards, etc.,.  They can also create new apps under your account and invite other users. Depending on the role you assign to invitees, they may be able to administer your apps, dashboards, users or even billing info (change app plan, assign credit card, etc). Account Sharing is very convenient because as soon as a new app (SPM or Logsene or ...) is added to your account or new dashboard is created, all users added to your account get access to it.  Of course, the level of access depends on the role you initially assigned to each person.

Unlike Account Sharing, App Sharing is restricted only to a particular app. Nothing besides the shared app is accessible to the invited user (for example, dashboards are at the account level can can thus be shared only through Account Sharing). This option is useful if you want to be very restrictive about which apps can be seen by others.

Account Sharing and App Sharing is not exclusive.  You can use both of these two sharing types at the same time. You could Share Account with some users, and use App Sharing to share specific apps with other users.

To Share Account with other users, go to
To Share App, go to and click on Settings button for the app you want to share (in modal window which will be opened, select the Manage Users tab).

What is the difference between OWNER, ADMIN, BILLING_ADMIN, and USER roles

A: There are 3 common roles available when Sharing Account and Sharing App (OWNER, ADMIN, USER), and one role which is specific only to Account Sharing (BILLING_ADMIN).

Each account has one OWNER (if you created some account, you are its OWNER). Each app also has one OWNER (The OWNER of an app is OWNER of account under which some app was created. If you create an app under your account, you are the OWNER of that app. If some user with whom you've shared your account creates a new app under your account, you are again the OWNER of that app.  However, if that user creates a new app under his own account, he will be its OWNER).

Each account and app can have 0 or more ADMINS and USERS. If you added some user as ADMIN to your account, he also automatically gets the ADMIN role for all your apps (account role is transitive to app role).

ADMIN users can modify everything under your account/app except billing related info. They can: create/delete/update all dashboards/alerts/subscriptions/users... Users with USER role have read rights on everything except billing info (they can view all reports, dashboards, alerts...). They can even create/edit their own alerts and subscriptions on apps from shared account (but can't edit other user's alerts/subscriptions, only ADMINs can do that). If they were added to an Account (not to an App), they can also create their own dashboards and add other USERs to your account.

There is a special role available when Sharing Account - BILLING_ADMIN. This role has all rights as the standard ADMIN, but can also access/edit billing-related info. The only thing this role cannot do is change password of your account.

When would I want to add someone as BILLING_ADMIN

A: When you don't have a credit card that should be used for charging, but some other person has it, you should invite this person and give them the BILLING_ADMIN role. Similarly, if you created an account and defined a credit card, but now want somebody else to take care of all billing related activity (assigning plans and credit cards to various apps), you'd give them the BILLING_ADMIN role.

What might a typical use of roles for an organization with many employees look like

A: Typically you might have one person create an account via This account might be considered a "parent" account for your whole organization.
Since the person who created the account would be its OWNER, this person is typically (but not necessarily) a team leader or manager, or somebody whose responsibility is to oversee servers/operations, typically in production. This person might then choose to share his/her whole Account with every other person from the team/organization to allow others to easily access all apps created under that account.

Some of the invited users might be given the ADMIN role, which gives them read and write (and invite) rights. Other invitees might get the USER role, which gives mostly just read rights (plus ability to create/edit their own dashboards/alerts/subscriptions which are available to everyone under the shared account). In some cases, account OWNER will not be able to handle billing related info and will want to invite 1 or more BILLING_ADMINs who will be able to define/edit/delete credit cards and choose plans to be used for apps under your account.

Agent Setup Automation

Is there an Ansible Playbook for the SPM client

A: Yes, see the Install and Configure playbooks, with examples.

Is there a Puppet Module for the SPM client

A: Yes, see the Install and Configure module, with examples.

Is there a Chef Recipe for the SPM client

A: Yes, see SPM client Chef Recipe example.

General Troubleshooting

Can I enable debugging in the SPM Agent


A: Filters have 1 day granularity, which means that a server will be listed under Hosts filter until 24 hours since it last sent data have passed.  For example, if a server stopped sending data at 1 PM and if at 8 PM you are looking at the last 6 hours of data (for a period from 2 PM until 8 PM) you will not see data from this server on the graph, but you will still see this server listed under the Hosts filter until 1 PM on the following day.  After 1 PM on the following day this server should disappear from the Hosts filter.

I rebooted my server and now I don't see any data in my graphs. What should I check


I am using SPM for Solr and I don't see any data on Solr and JVM reports, what is the problem

A: You should probably enable JMX in your Solr. Add or uncomment the <jmx /> directive in solrconfig.xml and restart Solr.  See for more info.

I am using SPM for Solr and I don't see any data only in Solr Components or Errors reports, what should I do

A: Most likely you are using standalone variant of Solr monitor. In that case, SPM monitor can't collect metrics which are available only when running in-process. If so, switch to in-process (javaagent) version of SPM monitor.

Elasticsearch Monitoring

Why doesn't the number of documents I see in SPM match the number of documents in my Elasticsearch index
